What is a Button Accordion?

What is a Button Accordion?

The button accordion, a particular version of accordion that uses small buttons rather than the full-size piano keys on the melody side of larger models, is a special kind of accordion. Although many people associate the button accordion as a smaller and more portable instrument, this is not always true. The button accordion offers a unique “interface” to the musician.

Button Accordion Manufacturers

There are many recognized manufacturers that make button accordions. These models are portable, so button accordions are more space- and space-efficient. These models are popular with learners. Some basic student models may also be available. Button accordion buttons can be used to play melodies instead of using piano keys.

Playing a Button Accordion

Button accordions, like other types of accordions have specific scale patterns to produce classic melodies on either the regular scale or the octave. There are two types of button accordions: the diatonic, seven-tone accordion and the chromatic, twelve-tone accordion. These accordions have very different styles. Seven tones make up the diatonic accordion. These tones are those associated with the regular major range. This limit the number of uses this button accordion is able to provide for musicians.

Versatility of Button Accordions

The more versatile chromatic buttons accordion features twelve tones for each of the octaves. This includes both the whole and half steps of each octave. The musician can also play in the minor or major key. One button can produce two different types of button accordions depending on whether the musician pushes or pulls the instrument or expands or contracts the air within it. The melody keys of the piano key accordion provide the same tone, regardless of which direction it is facing.

Button Accordions in Celtic Music

Button accordions are used by musicians to play many musical compositions. These small accordions can be used to play Irish reels and other Celtic music. These accordions are also popular for Cajun music, which relies heavily upon the accordion. The button accordion can play almost any type of music that is not possible to play on a traditional piano key accordion. However, it can be difficult or impossible for buttons to mimic the “trills”, which are performed on keyed models. The button accordion is very popular in many musical groups around the globe.

If you would like to buy your first accordion for sale , Check out this authentic button accordion manufacturers